A mother's love cannot be compared, for hers is an every-constant love, unlimited, unchanging, and forever.
A mother will hold you while you cry, soothe you with kind words when it seems the rest of the world has turned against you.
A mother will love you when you think it's impossible that anyone could; no matter what you have done, said, failed to do, a mother truly forgives.
A mother will lift your spirits when you feel there is no hope, give you confidence and strength to begin again, and make you laugh when you think you'll never smile again.
A mother will stand by your side even when she stands alone; she will take you as you are and never ask for more than your love in return.
As I sit here thinking of my mother, I pay respect to all the mothers that i know and don't know. i realize I have NO FAMILY and I wish I still had my mother.
Peace & Love, Jef.
Jef lost his mother when he was six years old. She died right before him and to this day he does not know the cause of her death.