• That D*** D**k

    Posted 09-27-2019 by Kevin Devon Robinson

    That D*** D**k, look what you done? Like heroin, Like crack, Between the crack, within the walls, this D**k has been. Long and hard, sweet like candy, Smooth caramel, this D**k has been tasted, A plague, An addiction, That drives feins crazy, This D**k is a drug, That will make you hype, Make you sleep, Keep you up all hours of the nigh...

  • I Got Something to Say

    Posted 09-27-2019 by Kevin Devon Robinson

    To all the Queens that don’t know you are a queen, I got something to say. To the women that don’t know her worth, I got something to say. To the women or girls that keep allowing Mutha F***az to scare and abuse them I got something to say. Sometimes you need to speak yo heart, Listen to the truth, that speaks from you, Spread y...


    Posted 04-12-2019 by Wendell Bruno

    Hello, today they say that the weather is going to be bad I say your name and that makes the statement mad I don’t think ya’ll know what’s in a name for me that special you What’s your favorite flower, food, idea improve Well whoever however you are your name brightens the day and stay in night I know they say mates nam...

  • A Day Grows With You With Me

    Posted 04-12-2019 by Wendell Bruno

    Hello ladies of San Diego and every place else I have a story to give to you and this poem form helps I work hard to be better in the place I’m in In the first place you know a good match should begin I thank God for my good health and even at my 52 I am 20 inside and out and I rap for my company who knew The company of my own records t...

  • The Love of The Season Autumn

    Posted 12-15-2018 by Jason Miears

    In the crisp gentle wind of fall You can see the beautiful brown autumn leaves big and small Jack-O-Lanterns, bats, and candy corn delight the children But the biggest treat of all lies within them A big smile cross their face is what parents seek To see their bright faces say “trick or Treat”.   A time of harvest, the seaso...

  • Soulful Harmony

    Posted 08-22-2018 by Kevin Devon Robinson

    Within a man, there’s a Spirit, Within his heart is his soul, At peace, Within self, There is harmony, Which brings forth, Faith, Hope, And Charity, Charity is defined as love   If a man has faith, he can have hope, With hope he can love, it is a Trinity, And without one, all others are weakened. If a man loses faith, hope ...

  • Negro Spirit

    Posted 08-22-2018 by Kevin Devon Robinson

      Tough as nails, Thru the skin like Christ, The Negro spirit, Like a army, Like a battle, We march for victory, The Negro spirit, Natives, Jews, Latin Hispanic, Have faced the oppressor, Hate itself, the oppressor, For we are the oppressed, We welcome our brothers and sisters Natives, Jew, Latin Hispanic. You are welcome, Fee...

  • Two Lovers

    Posted 05-11-2018 by Patrick Drum

  • The Beach

    Posted 03-21-2018 by Patrick Drum

    Something so vintage, as a walk on the beach. Though it is simple, life’s lessons still teach.   Classes chalk board, skies of blue. Text book pages turning as waves, as they reach out to you.   Seagulls flying, clouds so white. The beach is beautiful, both day and night.   So come walk, my dear friend. Talk of...

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